Thursday, February 23, 2012

Craftin' Granny's Card Shack: 3rd Bloggerversary Blog Candy

In the words of Craftin' Granny, "WOO-HOO!"  In honor of her third bloggerversary and 259 followers at the time of her post, she's offering blog candy.  It's my favorite type of candy:  all of the sweetness without the consequences.  LOL! 

Craftin' Granny (and I) are hoping you will share in her excitement by leaving her a comment on the 3rd Bloggerversary post, found via this link:

Over the last couple of years words cannot express how much happiness her blog has given me as well as the kindness that Carol has extended to me and many others.  I hope that you will take the time to visit her blog and find so much delight in her cards as I have; and, hopefully you'll take a moment to leave some comments for her as well.  I know that they mean a great deal to her and she deserves every single one of them.  You'll see what I mean when you get there.  After you review the 3rd Bloggerversary content, click at the top of her blog to go to her main page and scroll down to lots of what I call "eye candy."  So, either way, you're getting candy.  :) 

1 comment:

CraftinGranny said...

Oh Libby, you are so sweet for posting this here and on Facebook. Thanks so much and for the wonderful comment you left on my blog. I treasure our conversations and always love it when you stop by. "Love & Hugs" Carol